Staff Spotlight: Meet Benjelina

Staff Spotlight: Meet Benjelina

Benjelina Sena

Education Specialist at Jack A. Vickers Boys & Girls Club

We are delighted to shine a spotlight on Benjelina Sena, one of our Education Specialists! Benjelina has been a team member at Jack A. Vickers Boys & Girls Club since February 2023, but her journey with Boys & Girls Club of Metro Denver started as an eight-year-old Club member.

Benjelina’s motivation is fueled by the eager anticipation of Club members who ask, "Miss Bee, when will your room be open? I want to read!" Recently, during a particularly challenging day, a child handed Benjelina a drawing with the simple yet powerful words, "I luv you." It's these moments of enthusiasm and engagement that affirm her commitment to her role. She sees working as an Education Specialist as more than just a job. Rather, it is a purposeful mission to provide a safe, supportive, fun, and enriching environment that inspires and empowers Club kids and teens to achieve their greatest potential.

From Club member to Education Specialist, Benjelina exemplifies the transformative power of Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver. Through her dedication and compassionate spirit, she continues to make a lasting difference in kids' lives, fostering a sense of belonging, support, and hope for the future.


“My favorite aspect of working at the Club is the genuine relationships I have formed with the kids. I consider myself fortunate to have found my way back to this community."

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