Summer Adventures at the Club

Summer Adventures at the Club

This past summer at the Club has been a time of vibrant sunshine, carefree days, and boundless adventures for members. As the sun was blazing across the Colorado sky, summer field trips offered kids a chance to step out of their everyday routines and into a world of excitement and exploration. From horseback riding to river rafting, rock climbing to fishing, these experiences created memories that will last a lifetime. 


Horseback Riding  

One of the standout summer field trips was the thrilling journey into the world of horseback riding. Partnering with the Cottonwood Riding Club, Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver brought kids closer to these majestic creatures and the life-changing lessons they have to offer. Cottonwood Riding Club's dedication shines through, as they generously donated their services and invested their time into our members. What sets this experience apart is the connection formed between the kids and their new companions. Cottonwood Riding Club worked with the same group of Club members all summer long. Club members were able to learn how to take care of the horses they were riding by brushing their coats, cleaning out their horseshoes, and providing mane trims when needed. Members then learned how to tack up the horses and prepared them for riding by attaching saddles and other equipment. Ultimately, they learned the art of riding and how to trot around the tracks.  

They built skills and confidence, not just in riding but in life and in themselves. This experience offered a unique opportunity for Club members to become proficient in horseback riding throughout the entire summer duration. 

Summer Adventures | Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver
Summer Adventures | Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver

“My favorite thing was riding a horse named Sundance and seeing other club members try something new.”

- Daimonni C, Club kid

Summer Adventures | Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver
River Rafting  

Clear Creek Rafting transformed the summer heat into a thrilling adventure as Boys & Girls Clubs members took on the rapids. River rafting is more than just a splashy escapade – it's a chance for kids to work together as a team while navigating the twists and turns of the water. Anticipating the frigid and tumultuous waters, initial nervousness swiftly transformed into eagerness upon entering the raft. As soon as they were on the water, Club members transitioned into confident navigators, skillfully maneuvering the raft through the currents as a unified team. 

These trips down the river foster a deep sense of camaraderie among kids and teens, as they paddle their way through exhilarating white-water stretches. With the rushing water as their soundtrack, the Club members created memories that will flow with them long after the summer is over. 

Rock Climbing 

The towering rock formations of the Colorado landscape provided the backdrop for yet another exciting field trip. Rock climbing was an experience for kids to conquer their fears, push their limits, and find strength within themselves. As they ascend the rugged surfaces, they learned to trust their abilities and develop a resilience that extends far beyond the climbing wall. These experiences in the great outdoors instill a sense of accomplishment and empowerment, as the kids overcome physical obstacles and gain newfound confidence. 

Summer Adventures | Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver

Fishing trips provided a serene escape during a very adventurous summer. Boys & Girls Clubs members cast their lines into tranquil waters, learning the art of patience and the thrill of anticipation. As they reel in their catches, the kids also reel in a sense of accomplishment and a deeper understanding of the world around them. 

Summer Adventures | Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver
Summer Adventures | Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver

The summer field trips at Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver are more than just outings; they're transformative experiences that leave a lasting impact on young hearts and minds. Whether it's forging connections with horses, navigating rapids, scaling rock walls, or casting lines into still waters, these adventures create memories that shape character, build confidence, and inspire a lifelong love for exploration. As the summer sun sets on each day's escapades, the kids return home with a treasure trove of stories and skills that will accompany them on their journey through life. 

These summer field trips were supported by our valued partners. Thank you to Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) for funding the Generation Wild Northeast Metro Coalition and My Outdoor Colorado Westwood Coalition. Thank you to Lincoln Hills Cares for your support to our mission. We are grateful for their work in bringing incredible Colorado adventures to the lives of our Club members. 

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