At Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver, youth have the opportunity to compete for Youth of the Year at for their Club in three age categories: 10-13, 14-15 (Juniors), and 16-18 (Seniors). Today, we are celebrating the Club level winners of each age category for this year!
YOY Club Winners: Ages 16-18

Gilberto T., Shopneck Boys & Girls Club
“The Club is a comforting and welcoming place, where I am encouraged to explore my interests."

Jaidah S., William E. Cope Boys & Girls Club
“The staff at the Club have motivated me, supported me through hard times, and provided me with opportunities to try new things.”

Leslie M., Suncor Boys & Girls Club
“The Club’s encouraging environment has given me confidence and a positive outlook on my future.”

Michael V., Arthur E. Johnson Boys & Girls Club
"The Club has been more than just a place to hang out; it's been a sanctuary of learning and growth."

Nahiem W., J. Churchill Owen Boys & Girls Club
"The Club has helped me believe in myself and that things are possible if I put my mind to it.”

Nashara E., Denver Broncos Club Boys & Girls Club
“The lessons learned, and the connections made at the Club serve as the sunlight that continues to fuel my growth, ensuring that the confidence within me will bloom into a flourishing future.”
Nashara is this year's Senior Youth of the Year Winner. Learn more about Nashara.>>
YOY Club Winners: Ages 14-15

Emanie R., Arthur E. Johnson Boys & Girls Club
“Ever since I started going to the Club I gained brothers, not just friends.”

Jalonna-Marie G., Denver Broncos Club Boys & Girls Club
“The Club's impact on me is so strong that I have dedicated all my free time to being there for the people I care about.”
Jalonna-Marie is this year's Junior Youth of the Year winner. Learn more about Jalonna-Marie.>>

Kadesh S., Shopneck Boys & Girls Club
“The Club encourages us to believe in ourselves. They tell us we can be whatever we want, like a scientist, artist, or even a president!”

Noemi D., Suncor Boys & Girls Club
“The Club is my happy place.”

Oshalaya D., J. Churchill Owen Boys & Girls Club
“I believe that we all can play an important part in making our community better.”
YOY Club Winners: Ages 10-13

Adehir D., CSLA Boys & Girls Club
“The Club is fun because I get to spend time with my friends, and they are funny.”

Alejandro A., Suncor Boys & Girls Club
“I love being a member at the Club because we all have the opportunities to learn and grow every day.”

Alejandra B., Lasley Elementary Boys & Girls Club
“I am good at helping people because I am passionate about serving, and it creates a sense of happiness when I support others.”

Alexander R., Hidden Lake Boys & Girls Club
“The thing I like most about Club is the people because you can make new friends.”

David S., Tennyson Knolls Boys & Girls Club
“In the Club I've learned about being kind and considering other people's feelings before you say or do something.”
David is this year's 10-13 Age Group Winner. Learn more about David. >>

Devon J., Crawford Boys & Girls Club
“At the Club, I have learned how to make new friends, how to be safe, and how to help everyone.”

Dulce L., Johnson Elementary Boys & Girls Club
“At the Club, I have learned how to be kind and respectful.”

Ethan R., Virginia Court Boys & Girls Club
“My experience at the Club has shaped me into the person I am today. The Club has taught me a lot of valuable lessons, helped me learn what I am good at, and what makes me happy.”

Iris B., KIPP Green Valley Ranch Boys & Girls Club
“At the Club, I learned to stand up for myself even when it's hard.”

Isabel M., Laredo Boys & Girls Club
“My favorite part about the Club is the staff. They make me feel welcome and valued, and I know that I can count on them to be there for me whenever I need them.”

Julie L., Montview Boys & Girls Club
“At the Club, I get to learn and have fun. There are so many opportunities including snacks, learning, recess, and even dinner!”

Keroi N., Cole Boys & Girls Club
“I like everything at the Club! The projects and activities are fun, but the best things about the Club is sports tournaments and field trips.”

Macky G., J. Churchill Owen Boys & Girls Club
“At the Club, I learned how to be a leader and a role model.”

Melissa G., Boston Boys & Girls Club
“I am very grateful for the staff we have because they always keep a smile on my face and make me feel safe.”

NaOki T., Arthur E. Johnson Boys & Girls Club
“At the Club, I learn new things like how to be a better leader."

Sir-Adam M., Jack A. Vickers Boys & Girls Club
“The biggest lesson I have learned at the Club is that I am accepted here and it is okay to be me.”
Sir-Adam is one of this year's 10-13 Age Group Winner. Learn more about Sir-Adam. >>

Sophie M., Denver Broncos Boys & Girls Club
“Since I have been at the Club, I have gained a lot of respect and friends that feel like family.”

Zahira A., Shopneck Boys & Girls Club